REdisCOVERY Program

REdisCOVERY does outreach to homeless camps and other areas where those experiencing homelessness spend time. We generally do not run names or seek arrests as we are building rapport and offering services. What we do is called "persistent engagement."
What is Your Community Change Program?

The Olympic Peninsula Community Clinic (OPCC) REdisCOVERY program is comprised of an inter-disciplinary team that provides outreach, navigation, service linkage, case management, and medical & behavioral health care in Clallam county. REdisCOVERY partners with local law enforcement agencies, including Port Angeles Police Department (PAPD), Sequim Police Department (SPD), and Clallam County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) as well as Port Angeles Fire Department (PAFD) Community Para-medicine. The over-arching goal of the REdisCOVERY program is to provide access to services for the underserved members of the communities we work in. This access to service, in turn, reduces interactions with law enforcement and the criminal justice system, reduces reliance on emergency medical service, and decreases inappropriate use of hospital emergency departments.
“The work we do together is important and it makes a difference" Daniel Montana, PAFD Community Paramedic
MOUD Program

In March of 2022, the Clallam County jail, in partnership with Olympic Peninsula Community Clinic’s (OPCC) REdisCOVERY program was awarded a grant from Washington State Healthcare Authority (HCA) to implement a new, expanded Medications for Opiate Use Disorder - also known as MOUD – program. This program, called HOPE (Help, Opportunity, Prevention, and Education), provides medication for opiate use disorder, treatment, and reentry support to incarcerated individuals with opioid use disorder. The main goals of the program are to lower overdose deaths, reduce arrests, and decrease overuse or misuse of emergency services.
This in jail program provides access to medications for opioid use disorder, placement in treatment post release, and re-integration support.
LEAD Fire Program

Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion / Let Everyone Advance with Dignity (LEAD)
The LEAD Fire Program is serving people who have come in contact with with PAFD and identified as people who are high utilizers of emergency medical services who would benefit from intensive case management. Community paramedics often frequently come in contact with a person before it escalates to law enforcement encounters. The hope of LEAD Fire is to engage participants in intensive case management including services offered by an ARNP for behavioral health medication management as a bridge program to support stabilization in social, medical and mental health needs.
LEAD Fire is the first ever LEAD program affiliated with a non law enforcement or criminal justice system agency.
Mental Health Field Response

Mental health field response requires the utilization of direct outreach. Team members identify community members with behavioral health needs and help provide referrals and facilitate access to services.
Co-responding with the Port Angeles Police Department, these community-oriented patrols help us identify in the moment, acute needs of individuals. Team members are then able to stay at the scene and spend more time with a client who may need long-term support.
Arrest and Jail Alternative Program

The Arrest and Jail Alternatives (AJA) portion of the REdisCOVERY program provides intensive case management (inclusive of all facets of the program at large) for those individuals in the community who have had, or are likely to have, frequent interactions with law enforcement and/or interface with the criminal justice system.
AJA utilizes the practice of ongoing, intensive case management to reduce the number of law enforcement or criminal justice interactions in the community. Staff members address chronic needs and meet the client where they are, both physically and metaphorically. Building trust over time to get clients to follow through with appointments and "next steps" to reach their goals.
Using a “Crossover” case management model, AJA staff helps client connect to other services throughout the community.
Unfunded/Under funded Behavioral Health and Syringe Services Program
The SSP is a harm reduction program that provides safe consumption supplies to people in the community while also offering resources including food, hygiene products and other basic necessities.
You can meet us at the Harm Reduction Health Center on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 PM to 4 PM.
Located at:
325 1/2 W 2nd St
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Our SUDP has a presence within the Syringe Exchange at the Health Department on Tuesdays and Fridays where they are building relationships with individuals who may need connection to resources. If a participant decides they want to get help with treatment or detox services, our SUDP can do an SUD Assessment on the spot and begin working on placement options.